T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
MERSİN / SİLİFKE - Taşucu İlkokulu

e-Security Policy

    A parent alleave form is taken from parents of each student that participates in Project.

·      Video or photograph may not be taken in such a way that students' faces are published.

·      A twinspace user name and password is given to each student. And it is provided that students make their own sharing sand they follow the project closely.

·      Students may open a social media account about Project but these accounts are follewedandcheckedbyteachers.

·     Student may add video on youtube for Project. These videos are checked by teachers.

·     When student sent erth school, they have to put their mobile phone sinto phone boxes.

·    Students can use only the internet network which is in control of Ministry of Education. For Project at school.

·    Evenif it is fort he Project, only the teachers' recorder can be used at school.

·    Communication is made with other partners by the teachers with in school hours. Also, students can talk on forums by way of twinspace as part of Project. And all these are checked byt he Project coordinator teachers.

·   Theday of secure internet is celebrated in ourschool.

·    As part of the secure internet day, informing meetings are holded to the students and parents in the first week of February. For this, officials came from poliçe department and they in form students. Panel about the secure internet is prepared. Every classroom is informed on the track.

·    Parents are in formed about e-security in every parents' meeting.

·    Our e-security policy is with in the secure internet frame that is published by Ministry of Education.

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Yayın: 06.01.2023 - Güncelleme: 06.01.2023 11:31 - Görüntülenme: 164
Kaynak: e safety
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